Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

01.29 -

The Bridge

High above and brave;
Taunting the waters below.
With this bridge we have conquered
Open spaces
And Time opens its wings
To let us pass without aging.
Who ages on the bridge?
No one.
Children are arrested in a state
Of wondrous apprehension.
The old forget gravity's pull
On their brittle bones.
It is a marvelous thing that connects
Our world to
Middle Earth and Rivendell; the great
Castle of Gormenghast, Narnia and
The fathomless depths of Cthulu; the
Temples of the Oracles; the lost rock
Walls of the Necropolis; the emerald
Towers of Oz; the Memorial to Krypton
In the Fortress of Solitude; the waters of
Lethe; the expanse of Midgard and the
Rainbow Bridge; Mount Olympus;
Daedelus' Labyrinth; the Inferno, the
Purgatorio and the Paridisio; the dark
Forest's of Pan; and the broad field's of
And the galaxy of stars, of worlds destroyed
And created by your Will, that shapeshifter
Of Prima Materia that stretches out in
The limitless space that is your mind.
This ancient construction of arched
Rock, mankind's greatest achievement
That draws the curious, the adventurous
Without verdict or punishment, and gives
Them the ability to walk on air, defeating
The current of death that rushes
Obliviously below.

01.27 -

Not Another Soul

Not everyone sees what I see,
But I didn’t realize that you looked different to them,
That maybe it wasn’t so obvious
Like I thought it was.

This confused me
Because I thought I’d have to fight for you
But maybe I discovered my own Narnia;
Hidden, safe from others.

The ground I’m standing on isn’t even
Because I still don’t know what to think of this (of us)
I could ask, but I’ve asked before
Somehow I don’t think it would help.

I look at the moon and the stars and the grass
I smell the night air
And I feel the Universe is at peace.
Telling me don’t hold my breath, have patience.

This in-between step intrigues me
This is all new for me;
The happenings, the feelings, the communication,
And I have a front row seat to how this unfolds.

Would anybody really understand?
We’re just two lovers,
Trapped by our lives,
Waiting for that break in time.

I freeze
When I want to talk to you.
My heart pounds
When I think of you.

I care so deeply for you
More than I thought was possible without love.
My soul… misses you,
Longs for your touch.

Friendship is all you can give
And all I can ask for, for now.
But someday, there will come a day
And then, we’ll be together.

01.22 -


You cannot convince me that you have wholly erased
the lamp-post, the summer constellations, the Lion Himself.
You were there, saw the knife, heard the table crack like a giant’s plate.
When your great desire stood before you like a golden beacon,
how could you turn from joy to other invitations?
I refuse to believe that you have plucked from your deepest heart
righted wrong, vanished sorrows, the very death of winter.
You will awaken one day, I am sure, when pain claps your heart,
when British railways tear up your world of nylons and lipstick.
Grief will bring you back to solid ground, to your first love.
After all, once a queen, always a queen.

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

23.18 -

"Lucy And Tumnus"

As the snow was falling down
There came a child without a sound
Toward the light she made her way
The light that turned the night to day.

Strange she thought it standing there
A lamppost in a wood laid bare
It's light was shining ever bright
Into the still and snowy night

And then behind her came a sound
Footsteps crunching on the ground
She turned to see a stranger sight
Then any she had seen that night

Before her stood a goaty man
With an umbrella in his hand
The packages under his arm
Gave the scene a Christmas charm

Strangers they were but not for long
And so he begged her
"Come along!
Would you like to come for tea?
Not often do strangers come to me"

And so her lured her to his cave
Of toast and sardines he did rave
But when the tea was done and gone
He then began to play a song

The song he played upon a flute
And the notes began to suit
The dreams that put the girl to sleep
Of fauns and dwarves and mountains steep

When the music stopped at last
She woke to find much time had passed
The Faun sat there and cried and cried
He told her now how he had lied

"There is a Witch," he said to her
"Who's covered to her throat in fur
And drives about inside a sled
And wears a crown upon her head."

She was the one who made the snow
And came to him to let him know
That if he saw a human child
He was to bring it from the wild
And take it to his quiet home
Or else she would turn him to stone

"I was supposed to turn you in
But now I know it would be a sin."
For he had liked her more and more
Since she had stepped in through his door

So faun and girl ran quickly back
Their pace and step they did not slack
Until they reached the shining lamp
That put some warmth into the damp

Once they both had said farwell
The girl made haste to go and tell
Of her adventure in the wood
And of the lamp that shone it's light
Whether it be day or night

23.13 -

Liberty's Poems from Narnia

by Liberty Hoffman

I hope this is the right place to put this.....
my mom wanted me to write some poems for a school assignment (I am homeschooled) and is the result. this first one is a short one I did inspired by the Dawn Treader:

"The Picture in the Bedroom"
A ship sailing on ocean blue
It's single sail a purple hue
And prow shaped like a Dragon's head
The sides are green where the wings end

23.03 -

Forevermore: A poem of Narnia

A Poem By Clare Marie // 6/3/2008

He is magnificent,
Brave and a leader.
Eldest in age,
His name is Peter.
His sword is bright,
His shield is red,
And the mighty wolf
He struck, quite dead.
In England a boy,
In Narnia a man.
O the deeds he wrought
In that faraway land.
With the Witch and King Miraz
He fought and he wrested.
One couldn’t kill him,
The other he bested.
Too soon he grew up,
No more could he visit
That world he loved;
He knew he would miss it.
But the one under whose
Guidance he came,
Led him to realize
That it was no game.
He would come back;
He just had to wait.
Soon he would enter
Time’s immortal gate.

Beautiful Susan,
The second oldest;
One of the best fighters
Though not the boldest.
Her arrow would always
Find its mark.
Her horn was the light
In Narnia’s dark.
Despite her advantage
O’er man and beast,
She was gentle and
Liked killing the least.
She was there when
The Great Lion was slain;
She was there when he rose
Like the sun after rain.
She was made queen
And reigned for many years.
She helped to wipe
Her kingdom’s tears.
She aided in crowning
The new king of her land:
Prince Caspian it was,
A noble young man.
Like Peter she grew too fast, and left
With the breath of the Lion.
Yet she never returned to that fairy land
Because of lipstick and nylons.

Upright and good
Is King Edmund the Just;
His skills are great,
His sword never rusts.
Yet he was the first to
Meet the false Queen.
He thought she was kind,
His sight was not keen.
“More Turkish Delight,”
Was all that he wanted.
He didn’t care that the
Faun would be hunted.
He soon realized that he
Had done wrong.
And all his great deeds
Are remembered in song.
He sailed to the world’s end with
Caspian and Lucy.
He saw many wonders with
Eustace the Goosey.
Dufflepuds and serpents
And an island of black.
Of Aslan’s protection
There was never a lack.
Soon he was too old,
Like his sister and brother.
Yet he returned to the land he
Loved like none other.

Queen Lucy the Valiant,
Though youngest of all
Was the first to answer
That Narnian call.
Almost betrayed by the
One she thought friend,
Yet she forgave, and stayed
Friends to the end.
She was with her sister
When Aslan died;
She mourned over him,
And tenderly cried.
She saw him risen,
Whole and new.
She healed many
On Aslan’s cue.
She also became queen,
And reigned long and well.
She left, but returned,
Telmar’s evil to quell.
She set the young Prince
On his high throne.
She sailed with him,
Their deeds now well-known.
Always the favorite of
The Great Lion,
He said she would come back,
And live without dying.

To stay in Narnia
That was the promise
Made to the four.